Standing with my hog as Camo, Rex's dog, checks him out!
Rex and I with my wild boar near the North Cornfield Stand.
Marian and I were invited to come up to the Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club in the MS Delta to hog hunt yesterday. Around 4:45, I shot this wild boar at 150 yards as I was hunting in the North Cornfield Stand. This is my first hog kill and was very excited to harvest it. Rex and Marian arrived to pick me up and she took a picture of us with my hog as it laid on the ground in the field. For some reason my gun had jammed and shot off a round when I saw the hog. So with the first shot he ran off into another field to the right and he made a wrong move by coming back into my field. I shot him in the foot and spun around a couple of times as I put it on his shoulder and dropped him in his tracks. A great hog hunt with our good friends in the Mississippi Delta.