A Yankee born in Michigan who graduated from Boys Town, Nebraska, came down south to Mississippi to live and deer hunt, was
soon given the nickname of ~ TWO DOGS TALL!
Photo credit: Patrick Kavanagh

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Buddy & I

Myself, on the left and a buddy, James Hanusek (Deceased), on the right hanging out at Boys Town in Omaha, NE, where I graduated in the Class of 1961.


Julie Hanusek Grothe said...

This is a picture of my dad! Jim Hanusek was my father. He passed away when I was very young and it is so exciting to see some more pictures of him. To see pictures I haven't seen before, and to see my father through someone else's eyes, a friend, is a gift. Thank you for a wonderful surprise!

Marian Ann Love said...

I'm so glad you came and found pictures of your Dad here. I am a ghost writer for my husband Bob and this blog was a gift to him for his birthday this past February. We are so sorry to hear that your Father died when you were very young. Saw where your brother had made a comment also. If you or your brother have any more info on your Father, I would be happy to post any material you have under his class picture. You can e-mail me at: mariandeerhunter@bellsouth.net
Thanks for you comment and hope to hear from you are your brother soon. Marian Love Phillips
http://mariandeer.blogspot.com or http://marianladyhunter.com

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