A Yankee born in Michigan who graduated from Boys Town, Nebraska, came down south to Mississippi to live and deer hunt, was
soon given the nickname of ~ TWO DOGS TALL!
Photo credit: Patrick Kavanagh

Friday, March 6, 2009

Whitetail Woods Walking Stick

I'm very fond of walking sticks and have had several in my lifetime. My hunting friend Rex, at Deer Camp Blog, sent me this link that I would like to share with you. It also has given me an idea to post about my sticks here on Two Dogs Tall and tell the story how they came to be. I have also given my walking sticks away as gifts. I have found some of my sticks at flea markets or ordered them out of hunting magazines.
But first, I wanted to tell you about this blog site...it's called, "Whitetail Woods" by Rick Kratzke who lives in the northeast corner of Connecticut with his wife and two sons. He has been hunting whitetail deer since 1990 and it has become a passion/obsession with him. He wrote an interesting article on Wednesday, March 4, about a walking stick he made with an antler handle. He said he like to take his walking stick with him for a several reasons. a. It helps him keep his balance on uneven terrain. (I can relate to that since I have had a stroke). b. It acts as support for his now weakened bones and joints. (I have had back surgery and two necks and it supports me real well). c. It can also be used to reach for items that are not in my normal reach. d. It can also be used as a club/weapon for those unruly varmints that might be feeling on the brave side, you never know when you might come in contact with a rabid animal who might be out of their mind from the sickness. When I carry my walking stick I get looks like no one wants to mess with me. I'm able to take my stick traveling with me through airports but have to leave it at the front of the plane. You can see what Rick used to make his walking stick by the link above. He also wood burned his blog name into his stick and it really looks nice. I hope you will enjoy your new stick Rick. It's very impressive and for me it's like an extra foot to help get around in the great outdoors!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Bob I appreciate the link and I'm glad you like my walking stick. I really enjoyed making it.

Albert A Rasch said...

Rick's good people, and I found your blog through his.

Looking forward to reading more!

Albert A Rasch
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
The Rasch Reviews: Tactical
Proud Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Southeast Regional OBS Coordinator

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