A Yankee born in Michigan who graduated from Boys Town, Nebraska, came down south to Mississippi to live and deer hunt, was
soon given the nickname of ~ TWO DOGS TALL!
Photo credit: Patrick Kavanagh

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Wooden Bowl

Melvin "Mel" Picraux of Springfield, MO, my classmate from Boys Town (Class of 1961), made me this beautiful wooden bowl back in 2005. We keep it on our coffee table to enjoy. Thanks again Mel for giving me such a nice gift. I will always treasure it. You can see more of Mel's handcrafted wooden bowls here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of my dad. He use to be a very good woodworker and made a lot of bowls and stuff like that on a lathe he had.

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